Dr. Denis Kalkofen is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Visual Computing, Graz University of Technology, Austria. His research is focused on developing visualization, interaction, authoring and display technology for Virtual and Mixed Reality environments. He is especially interested in combining computer graphics, human-computer interaction and computer vision techniques to enable comprehensible and easily accessible Mixed Reality experiences. Denis received Dipl.-Ing. (2004) from the University of Magdeburg and Dr. techn. (2009) and Habilitation (2022) from Graz University of Technology.


Gaze-Contingent Layered Optical See-Through Displays with a Confidence-Driven View Volume

Christoph Ebner, Alexander Plopski, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Special Issue IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), vol.30, no. 11, pp.7203-7213, 2024.

doi | web

Error Management for Augmented Reality Assembly Instructions

Ana Stanescu, Peter Mohr, Franz Thaler, Mateusz Kozinski, Lucchas Ribeiro Skreinig, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.to appear, 2024.

video | web

XR Prototyping of Mixed Reality Visualizations: Compensating Interaction Latency for a Medical Imaging Robot

Jan Hendrik Plümer, Kevin Yu, Ulrich Eck, Denis Kalkofen, Philipp Steininger, Nassir Navab and Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.to appear, 2024.

Honorable Mention for Best Student Paper Award

Immersive Authoring by Demonstration of Industrial Procedures

Lucchas Ribeiro Skreinig, Peter Mohr, Blanca Berger, Markus Tatzgern, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.to appear, 2024.

video | web

Neural Bokeh: Learning Lens Blur for Out-of-Focus Mixed Reality

David Mandl, Shohei Mori, Peter Mohr, Yifan Peng, Tobias Langlotz, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), pp.870-880, 2024.

doi | video | web

Progress Observation in Augmented Reality Assembly Tutorials Using Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition

Tania Kaimel, Ana Stanecsu, Peter Mohr, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces - Abstracts and Workshops, pp.957-958.

doi | video | web

DeepDR: Deep Structure-Aware RGB-D Inpainting for Diminished Reality

Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner, Shohei Mori, Dieter Schmalstieg, Janand Paar Egger, Werner Bailer and Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), pp.750-760, 2024.

doi | video | web

State-Aware Configuration Detection for Augmented Reality Step-by-Step Tutorials

Ana Stanescu, Peter Mohr, Mateusz Kozinski, Shohei Mori, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.157-166, 2023.

doi | web

Exemplar-Based Inpainting for 6DOF Virtual Reality Photos

Shohei Mori, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Special Issue IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), vol.29, no. 11, pp.4644-4654, 2023.

doi | web

Multi-layer Scene Representation from Composed Focal Stacks

Reina Ishikawa, Hideo Saito, Denis Kalkofen and Shohei Mori.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Special Issue IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), vol.29, no. 11, pp.4719-4729, 2023.

doi | web
Best Journal Paper Award

guitARhero: Interactive Augmented Reality Guitar Tutorials

Lucchas Ribeiro Skreinig, Denis Kalkofen, Ana Stanescu, Peter Mohr, Frank Heyen, Shohei Mori, Michael Sedlmair, Dieter Schmalstieg and Alexander Plopski.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Special Issue IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), vol.29, no. 11, pp.4676-4685, 2023.

doi | web

Towards Neuroadaptive Augmented Reality Piano Tutorials

Florian Maitz, Skreinig Ribeiro, Denis Kalkofen and Selina Wriesnegger.
IEEE MetroxRAINE, pp.450-455, 2023.


Impact of Robot Related User Pre-experience on Cognitive Load, Trust, Trustworthiness and Satisfaction with VR Interfaces

Laurent and Koenczoel Frering.
Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics, pp.123--131, 2023.

Off-Axis Layered Displays: Hybrid Direct-View/Near-Eye Mixed Reality with Focus Cues

Christoph Ebner, Peter Mohr, Tobias Langlotz, Yifan Peng, Dieter Schmalstieg, Gordon Wetzstein and Denis Kalkofen.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Special Issue IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), vol.29, no. 5, pp.2816--2825, 2023.

doi | web

Eye-Perspective View Management for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays

Gerlinde Emsenhuber, Tobias Langlotz, Denis Kalkofen, Jonathan Sutton and Markus Tatzgern.
Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023.


Model-free Authoring of Assembly Tutorials in Augmented Reality

Ana Stanescu, Peter Mohr, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Special Issue IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.1-11, 2022.

doi | video | web

Good Keyframes to Inpaint

Shohei Mori, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2022.

doi | pdf | video | web

Video See-Through Mixed Reality with Focus Cues

Christoph Ebner, Shohei Mori, Peter Mohr, Yifan Peng, Dieter Schmalstieg, Gordon Wetzstein and \textbfDenis Kalkofen.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Special Issue IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), vol.28, no. 5, pp.2256-2266, 2022.

doi | pdf | video | web
Best Journal Paper Award

Towards Eye-Perspective Rendering for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays

Gerlinde Emsenhuber, Michael Domhardt, Tobias Langlotz, Denis Kalkofen and Markus Tatzgern.
IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces - Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), pp.640-641, 2022.


Enabling and Assessing Trust when Cooperating with Robots in Disaster Response

Laurent Frering, Matthias Eder, Bettina Kubicek, Dietrich Albert, Denis Kalkofen, Thomas Gschwandtner, Heimo Krajnz, Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner.
Shared Autonomy in Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Adaptability and Trust, Workshop at ICRA'22, 2022.

pdf | web

Stabilization of Spherical Videos based on Feature Uncertainty

Alessandro Luchetti, Matteo Zanetti, Denis Kalkofen, Mariolino De Cecco.
The Visual Computer, 2023.


Evaluation of Mixed Reality Technologies in Remote Teaching

Lea M. and Khoadei Daling.
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Novel Technological Environments, pp.24--37, 2022.

Object Pose Detection to Enable 3D Interaction from 2D Equirectangular Images in Mixed Reality Educational Settings

Matteo Zanetti , Alessandro Luchetti, Sharad Maheshwari, Denis Kalkofen, Manuel Labrador Ortega, Mariolino De Cecco.
Applied Sciences, vol.12, no. 11, 2022.


Omnidirectional Camera Pose Estimation and Projective Texture Mapping for Photorealistic 3D Virtual Reality Experiences

Alessandro Luchetti, Matteo Zanetti , Denis Kalkofen, Mariolino De Cecco.
ACTA IMEKO, vol.11, no. 2, 2022.


AR Hero: Generating Interactive Augmented Reality Guitar Tutorials

Lucchas Ribeiro Skreinig, Ana Stanescu, Shohei Mori, Frank Heyen, Peter Mohr, Michael Sedlmair, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces - Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), pp.395--401, 2022.

doi | pdf | video | web

Neural Cameras: Learning Camera Characteristics for Coherent Mixed Reality Rendering

David Mandl, Peter Mohr, Tobias Langlotz, Christoph Ebner, Shohei Mori, Stefanie Zollmann, Peter M. Roth and Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.508-516, 2021.

doi | pdf | video | web
Best Conference Paper Award

Visualization and Graphics in Mixed Reality

Denis Kalkofen, Shohei Mori and Markus Tatzgern.
Eurographics - Tutorials, 2021.


Designing for Mixed Reality Urban Exploration

Salvatore Andolina, Hsieh Yi Ta, Denis Kalkofen, Antti Nurminen, Diogo Cabral, Anna Spagnolli, Luciano Gamberini, Ann Morrison, Dieter Schmalstieg and Giulio Jacucci.
Interaction Design & Architecture (ID&A), vol.48, pp.33--49, 2021.


Tools for Teaching Mining Students in Virtual Reality based on 360° Video Experiences

Denis Kalkofen, Shohei Mori, Tobias Ladinig, Lea Daling, Anas Abdelrazeq, Markus Ebner, Manuel Ortega, Susanne Feiel, Sebastian Gabl, Taras Shepel, James Tibbett, Michael Hitch, Carsten Drebenstedt and Peter Moser.
IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces - Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), pp.455-459, 2020.

Best Paper Award

InpaintFusion: Incremental RGB-D Inpainting for 3D Scenes

Shohei Mori, Okan Erat, Wolfgang Broll, Hideo Saito, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), vol.26, no. 10, pp.2994-3007, 2020.

doi | pdf | video | web

Perspective Matters: Design Implications for Motion Guidance in Mixed Reality

Xingyao Yu, Katrin Angerbauer, Peter Mohr, Denis Kalkofen and Michael Sedlmair.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.577-587, 2020.

doi | pdf

Video-Annotated Augmented Reality Assembly Tutorials

Masahiro Yamaguchi, Shohei Mori, Peter Mohr, Markus Tatzgern, Ana Stanescu, Hideo Saito and Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), pp.1010-1022, 2020.

doi | pdf | video | web

Mixed Reality Light Fields for Interactive Remote Assistance

Peter Mohr, Shohei Mori, Tobias Langlotz, Bruce H. Thomas, Dieter Schmalstieg and \textbfDenis \textbfKalkofen.
Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), pp.1-12, 2020.

doi | pdf | video | web

Visualization-Guided Attention Direction in Dynamic Control Tasks

Jason Orlosky, Chang Liu, Denis Kalkofen and Kiyoshi Kiyokawa.
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), pp.372-373, 2019.


TrackCap: Enabling Smartphones for 3D Interaction on Mobile Head-Mounted Displays

Peter Mohr, Markus Tatzgern, Tobias Langlotz, Andreas Lang, Dieter Schmalstieg and \textbfDenis \textbfKalkofen.
Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), pp.1-11, 2019.

doi | pdf | web

3D PixMix: Image Inpainting in 3D Environments

Shohei Mori, Jan Herling, Wolfgang Broll, Norihiko Kawai, Hideo Saito, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), pp.1-2, 2018.

doi | pdf

Drone-Augmented Human Vision: Exocentric Control for Drones Exploring Hidden Areas

Okan Erat, Werner Alexander Isop, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), vol.24, no. 4, pp.1437-1446, 2018.


TutAR: Augmented Reality Tutorials for Hands-Only Procedures

Daniel Eckhoff, Christian Sandor, Christian Lins, Ulrich Eck, Denis Kalkofen and Andreas Hein.
International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI), pp.1-4, 2018.

doi | pdf
Best Short Paper Award

Combining Intelligent Recommendation and Mixed Reality in Itineraries for Urban Exploration

Giulio Jacucci, Salvatore Andolina, Denis Kalkofen, Dieter Schmalstieg, Antti Nurminen, Anna Spagnolli, Luciano Gamberini and Tuukka Ruotsalo.
International Series on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia, vol.2017, no. 2, pp.18-23, 2018.


Adaptive User Perspective Rendering for Handheld Augmented Reality

Peter Mohr, Markus Tatzgern, Jens Grubert, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), pp.176-181, 2017.

Honorable Mentioned for Best Paper Award

Learning Lightprobes for Mixed Reality Illumination

David Mandl, Kwang Moo Yi, Peter Mohr, Peter M. Roth, Pascal Fua, Vincent Lepetit, Dieter Schmalstieg, \textbfDenis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.82-89, 2017.

doi | pdf

Dynamic Label Placement for Forensic Case Visualization

Christof Sirk, Denis Kalkofen, Dieter Schmalstieg and Alexander Bornik.
EuroVis - Short Papers, pp.1-5, 2017.

doi | pdf
Best Short Paper Award

Retargeting Video Tutorials Showing Tools With Surface Contact to Augmented Reality

Peter Mohr, David Mandl, Markus Tatzgern, Eduardo E. Veas, Dieter Schmalstieg, Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), pp.6547--6558, 2017.

doi | video

Temporal Coherence Strategies for Augmented Reality Labeling

Jacob Boesen Madsen, Markus Tatzgern, Claus B. Madsen, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), vol.22, no. 4, pp.1415-1423, 2016.


Instant Mixed Reality Lighting from Casual Scanning

Thomas Richter-Trummer, Denis Kalkofen, Jinwoo Park and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.27-36, 2016.


Adaptive information density for augmented reality displays

Markus Tatzgern, Valeria Orso, Denis Kalkofen, Giulio Jacucci, Luciano Gamberini and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), pp.83-92, 2016.


Design Guidelines for Generating Augmented Reality Instructions

Cledja Rolim, Dieter Schmalstieg, Denis Kalkofen and Veronica Teichrieb.
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), pp.120-123, 2015.


Interactive Disassembly Planning for Complex Objects

Bernhard Kerbl, Denis Kalkofen, Markus Steinberger and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF, vol.34, no. 2, pp.287--297, 2015.


Retargeting Technical Documentation to Augmented Reality

Peter Mohr, Bernhard Kerbl, Michael Donoser, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen.
Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), pp.3337--3346, 2015.


Exploring Real World Points of Interest

Markus Tatzgern, Raphael Grasset, Eduardo Veas, Denis Kalkofen, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Pervasive Mobile Computing, vol.18, no. C, pp.55–70, 2015.


Hedgehog Labeling: View Management Techniques for External Labels in 3D Space

Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen, Raphael Grasset and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), pp.1-6, 2014.

doi | pdf | video

Transitional Augmented Reality Navigation for Live Captured Scenes

Markus Tatzgern, Raphael Grasset, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), pp.21-26, 2014.

doi | pdf | video

Entourage: Visualizing Relationships between Biological Pathways using Contextual Subsets

Alexander Lex, Christian Partl, Denis Kalkofen, Marc Streit, Anne Mai Wassermann, Samuel Gratzl, Dieter Schmalstieg, Hanspeter Pfister.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), vol.19, no. 12, pp.2536--2545, 2013.

doi | pdf | video

enRoute: Dynamic Path Extraction from Biological Pathway Maps for Exploring Heterogeneous Experimental Datasets

Christian Partl, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Denis Kalkofen, Karl Kashofer, Dieter Schmalstieg.
BMC Bioinformatics, vol.14, no. 19, pp.S3, 2013.


Adaptive Ghosted Views for Augmented Reality

Denis Kalkofen, Eduardo E. Veas, Stefanie Zollmann, Markus Steinberger and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.1-9, 2013.

Dynamic compact visualizations for augmented reality

Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), pp.3-6, 2013.

doi | pdf | video

Exploring Distant Objects with Augmented Reality

Markus Tatzgern, Raphael Grasset, Eduardo Veas, Denis Kalkofen, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - EuroVR, pp.1-11, 2013.

doi | pdf | video

enRoute: Dynamic Path Extraction from Biological Pathway Maps for In-Depth Experimental Data Analysis

Christian Partl, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Denis Kalkofen, Karl Kashofer, Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis), pp.107--114, 2012.

doi | pdf | video
Best Paper Award

Image-Driven View Management for Augmented Reality Browsers

Raphael Grasset, Markus Tatzgern, Tobias Langlotz, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.177-186, 2012.

pdf | video

OmniKinect: Real-Time Dense Volumetric Data Acquisition and Applications

Bernhard Kainz, Stefan Hauswiesner, Gerhard Reitmayr, Markus Steinberger, Raphael Grasset, Lukas Gruber, Eduardo Veas, Denis Kalkofen, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), pp.25–32, 2012.

doi | video

Ray Prioritization Using Stylization and Visual Saliency

Markus Steinberger, Bernhard Kainz, Stefan Hauswiesner, Rostislav Khlebnikov, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Computers & Graphics, vol.36, no. 6, pp.673--684, 2012.


Frame Cache Management for Multi-frame Rate Systems

Stefan and Grasmug Hauswiesner.
Advances in Visual Computing, pp.285--294, 2012.


Interactive 4D Overview and Detail Visualization in Augmented Reality

Stefanie Zollmann, Denis Kalkofen, Christof Hoppe, Stefan Kluckner, Horst Bischof and Gerhard Reitmayr.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.167-176, 2012.


Using perceptual features to prioritize ray-based image generation

B. Kainz, M. Steinberger, S. Hauswiesner, R. Khlebnikov, D. Kalkofen and D. Schmalstieg.
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, pp.215--215, 2011.


Visualization Techniques for Augmented Reality

\textbfDenis Kalkofen, Christian Sandor, Sean White, Dieter Schmalstieg.
Handbook of Augmented Reality Technologies and Applications, pp.65--99, 2011.

doi | pdf

Multi-perspective compact explosion diagrams

Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Computers & Graphics, vol.35, no. 1, pp.135 - 147, 2011.

doi | pdf

Embedded Virtual Views for Augmented Reality Navigation

Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen, Raphael Grasset and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Workshop on Visualization in Mixed Reality Environments, International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2011.

doi | pdf

Augmented Reality for Minimally Invasive Surgery: Overview and Some Recent Advances

Pablo Lamata, Wajid Ali, Alicia Cano, Jordi Cornella, Jerome Declerck, Ole J. Elle, Adinda Freudenthal, Hugo Furtado, Denis Kalkofen, Edvard Naerum, Eigil Samset, Patricia Sánchez-Gonzalez, Francisco M. Sánchez-Margallo, Dieter Schmalstieg, Mauro Sette, Thomas Stüdeli, Jos Vander Sloten, Enrique J. Gómez.
Augmented Reality, 2010.

doi | web

Image-based Ghostings for Single Layer Occlusions in Augmented Reality

Stefanie Zollmann, Denis Kalkofen, Erick Mendez and Gerhard Reitmayr.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.19--26, 2010.


Compact Explosion Diagrams

Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, pp.17--26, 2010.

doi | pdf

Multi-Frame Rate Volume Rendering

Stefan Hauswiesner, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg.
EGPGV, pp.19-26, 2010.


Color Harmonization for Augmented Reality

Lukas Gruber, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.227-228, 2010.


Comprehensible Visualization for Augmented Reality

Denis Kalkofen, Erick Mendez and Dieter Schmalstieg.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), vol.15, no. 2, pp.193--204, 2009.


Explosion Diagrams in Augmented Reality

Denis Kalkofen, Markus Tatzgern and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), pp.71-78, 2009.

doi | pdf

Adaptive Visualization in Outdoor AR Displays

Denis Kalkofen, Stefanie Zollmann, Gerhard Schall, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Going Out Workshop at IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.1-3, 2009.

doi | pdf

Visualization tool for improved accuracy in needle placement during percutaneous radio-frequency ablation of liver tumors

Thomas Stüdeli, Denis Kalkofen, Petter Risholm, Wajid Ali, Adinda Freudenthal and Eigil Samset.
Proceedings of Medical Imaging: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling (SPIE), 2008.


How do Interventionists navigate to the tumour

Thomas Stüdeli, Denis Kalkofen and Adinda Freudenthal.
Proceedings of the Nordic Ergonomics Society, pp.100--107, 2007.


Interactive Focus and Context Visualization for Augmented Reality

Denis Kalkofen, Erick Mendez and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.191-200, 2007.

doi | pdf
Best Student Paper Award

Integrated Medical Workflow for Augmented Reality Applications

Denis Kalkofen, B. Reitinger, Petter Risholm, A. Bornik, R. Beichel, D. Schmalstieg and E. Samset.
Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Augmented environments for Medical Imaging and Computer-aided Surgery (AMI-ARCS), 2006.


Interactive Context-Driven Visualization Tools for Augmented Reality

Erick Mendez, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp.191-200, 2006.

doi | pdf


Image processing method, mobile device and method for generating a video image database

Clemens Arth, Philip Fleck, Denis Kalkofen, Peter Mohr and Dieter Schmalstieg
US Patent 10,163,224, 2018
Method for creating three-dimensional documentation
Gerald Stieglbauer, Peter Mohr, Bernhard Kerbl, Denis Kalkofen, Michael Donoser and Dieter Schmalstieg
US Patent App. 15/513,057, 2017

Adaptive resolution in optical flow computations for an image processing system

Philipp Grasmug, Dieter Schmalstieg, Stefan Hauswiesner and Denis Kalkofen
US Patent App. 14/658,108 4, 2015
Hierarchical clustering for view management augmented reality
Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen, Dieter Schmalstieg and Raphael Grasset
US Patent App. 14/640,981 27, 2015
Image-driven view management for annotations
Raphael Grasset, Markus Tatzgern, Tobias Langlotz, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg
US Patent 9,147,221 36, 2015
Efficient information presentation for augmented reality.
Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg
US Patent App. 13/225,302 42, 2012
Method, system and computer program product for automatically creating an animated 3-D scenario from human position and path data.
Klaus Peter Beier, Denis Kalkofen, Lubomira A Dontcheva, Lars Schumann and Lars Bjorn Jensen
US Patent, Publication number 20030227453, 2003